لماذا يقوم مرشح حمام السباحة الخاص بي بتفجير الرمال؟
Apr 26, 2023
There are several reasons why your pool filter might be blowing out sand. Here are some of the most common causes:
Broken or worn out lateral: The lateral is a component located inside the filter that helps to distribute water evenly over the sand bed. If the lateral is broken or worn out, it can cause sand to escape from the filter and end up in your pool.
Overloading the filter: If you add too much sand to your filter, it can create pressure on the internal components and cause them to malfunction.
Poor quality sand: If the sand you use in your filter is of poor quality or has not been properly washed, it can easily break down and get into your pool.
Damaged filter valve: If the valve that controls the flow of water through your filter is damaged or not working correctly, it can cause sand to escape from the filter.
لإصلاح هذه المشكلة ، يجب عليك أولاً تحديد السبب الجذري للمشكلة. إذا لم تكن متأكدًا من سبب انفجار الرمال ، فقد يكون من الأفضل الاتصال بفني متخصص في حمامات السباحة لتشخيص المشكلة وإصلاحها.